Ideas for Future Web Projects
Here's a list of some future web projects I'd love to get involved in making or creating. If you'd like to get in touch about helping me make one of these, or are in the process of creating one and need an extra pair of hands, send me an email!
- Forum: Powered using XMB Forum, and reminiscent of the early to mid 2000s blogs, such as DisasterMB, Enigmatique, RadiantMB, etc.
Completed it mate! Visit Nostalgia MB.
- Tamagotchi Growth Log: Inspired by, this would log my tamagotchi's growth; logging what times they beeped for attention, what I fed them, photographs, care mistakes, and if they *gasp!* died.
- Zine Web Ring: A webring to bring the communities of zines all over the internet together; including zine libraries, directories, homepages, shops, and zine related resources. Could possibly be built using Onion Ring.
- Art Blog: Self explanatory - a blog to update my progress of various paintings, sketchbook updates, drawings, etc.
- Craft Blog: As above, but to keep progress of my kntting, quilting, and rag rug projects.
- Plugboard / Tagboard: Tag your website by uploading your buttons and banners. As new ones get submitted, old ones will be filtered out. Unsure what script this could use.
- Salvaged Version 2.0: As has grown over the past two years, it has understandably outgrown its current interface. This needs a complete overhaul to focus on making accessing and finding resources as easy as possible.